Saturday, June 4, 2011

DNA Rosetta Stone in Starchild Skull

This simplified article on theDNA work done to date on the Starchild Skull makes it completely certain thatwe are looking directly at Alien DNA.  Atbest it is a hugely reengineered piece of Terran code, but more likely DNA intointroduced into any emergent planet and the emergent lifeforms simply carrythat history while reflecting that which is unique to their planet.  Either argument informs our continued interpretationof the human DNA.

We have disposed of the earlyinterpretation that supposed a human mother. That was a mistake that has wasted several years.  The mother was as alien as the child.

What we do have here, is theRosetta stone for interpreting our own DNA and for possibly making specificimprovements.  Comparing the two datasets should allow us to take full control of the DNA decades sooner than waspossible or likely.

We should be also able toeventually produce a living member of this specific creature and learn of itscapabilities.

In fact, now we know that this isDNA hugely different from any Terran DNA, the commercial potential is alsohuge.  It will take a lot to sort it allout but the next round of finance will provide the full genome.


A classic depiction of a Grey Alien (left) and an artists' depiction of how theStarchild Skull would have looked in life (right)

In Brief: In 2011 the geneticist working on the Starchild Skull discoveredthat its mtDNA (the part of DNA passed only through the maternal line) wasradically different from human DNA.

The maximum number of mtDNA differences between all humans is 120. TheStarchild Skull has between 800-1,000. This is a partial result, but it isenough to be definitive: the Skull’s mtDNA is not human.

Below is a greatly simplified 1,200 word summary of a much more detailedreport on this data available

DNA has two types: nuclear (nuDNA) and mitochondrial (mtDNA). NuDNA isfound in a cell’s nucleus, and it comes from both parents. MtDNA is found intiny sub-cellular units called mitochondria that float in the cell’s cytoplasm(the jelly-like interior). MtDNA passes to each generation only through thematernal line.

clock” that dates humanity’s origin—The nuDNA genome is the total ofall the base pairs (bp) it contains. Base pairs (bp) are the “steps” in thefamous double-helix “ladder” of DNA. Each human cell has only one nucleus thatcontains a copy of the entire genome of more than 3 billion bp, and up tothousands of mitochondria, each containing the mtDNA genome of exactly 16,569bp. 

The DNA genomes for humans, Neanderthals, Denisovans (a new prehuman speciesannounced in 2010), chimps, and gorillas are all the same approximate size.Therefore, it seems safe to assume the Starchild’s two genomes will haveapproximately the same number of base pairs as humans: nuDNA of 3 ± billion bp,and mtDNA of 16,600 ± bp.

In 2010, dozens of the Starchild’s nuclear DNA fragments were sequenced, addingup to about 30,000 bp. That was enough to be clearly indicative of what thetotal nuDNA genome will be when it is fully sequenced, but at only .0001% of a3 billion bp genome, it was well short of the 1% (30 million) needed toestablish definitive trends.

Recently, four fragments of Starchild mtDNA were sequenced, totaling 1,583 bp.That is a whopping 9.5% of its assumed 16,600 ± bp mtDNA genome, and nearly 10times the 1% needed to make reliable projections. Thus, there can be noreasonable doubt that an incredible answer will result from a full recovery ofthe Starchild’s mtDNA genome. It further indicates that the vastly largernuclear genome will be even more incredible!

In human nuDNA, only 2% of the 3 billion bp work to keep us alive. 98% iscalled “junk” because it has no known life-sustaining functions. Mutations injunk are nearly always non-disruptive and accumulate easily, resulting in anestimated 15 million in humans.

In mtDNA, the exact opposite applies. The great bulk of its functions arerequired for survival, so every mutation is a potential death sentence. Veryrarely does a mutation occur in harmless areas, and all of those are welldocumented. In fact, the physical structure of mtDNA is one of thebest-understood aspects of human biology.

Geneticists have been able to utilize the extreme rarity of mtDNA mutations tocreate a “biological the time we became a distinct species—to about 200,000years ago. During those 200,000 years we have gradually but steadilyaccumulated a maximum of 120 variations in our mtDNA. The oldest humans(natives of South Africa)have the most (up to 120), and later human types have fewer and fewer.

Humanity’s 120 variations have been divided into 33 subunits known ashaplogroups (shown left). Those 33 are derived from seven ancient females whomgeneticists calculate were the founding matriarchs of our species [related inthe book The Seven Daughters of Eve by Dr. Bryan Sykes, 2001]. Thus, everyvariation between every haplogroup is well known and chronicled, and everyhuman belongs to one of the 33 haplogroups listed below.

The chart (left) shows how mtDNA is analyzed. At the top is the Control RegionSequence (CRS), the mtDNA pattern arbitrarily chosen from one individual toprovide the human value baseline. Variations from the CRS establish the countof differences in all related species. Among the 33 human haplogroups, noindividual has more than 120 differences.

At the chart’s bottom are Neanderthal mtDNA and mtDNA from two samples fromDenisovans. Denisovans are a new species discovered in Siberiain 2010 when a finger bone and molar from what seemed to be Neanderthal remainswere routinely analyzed. To everyone’s astonishment, the mtDNA in both of thesamples produced 385 differences from the human CRS—185 more than Neanderthals(whose 200 differences are only 80 more than the human maximum of 120).

With so many undeniable differences, and because mtDNA is so highly conservedand unerringly precise, geneticists had no choice but to classify Denisovans asan entirely new prehuman species closely related to humans and Neanderthals.[For comparison, the chimpanzee mtDNA genome contains 1500 differences from thehuman CRS.]

Now we will consider one of the four fragments of Starchild Skull mtDNAthat has been sequenced, the smallest of the four at 167 base pairs. Below, itis compared to the human CRS, base pair to base pair, and below that is the topleft half (outlined by a box) enlarged for visual clarity.

The blue bars show the differences in base pairs between the Starchildfragment (top line—167) and the corresponding segment of the CRS (bottomline—1269). This 72 bp part has 11 differences. In the non-enlarged parts are95 bp with 6 more differences, for an astounding total of 17 differencesbetween the Starchild and the human CRS!

The chart on the next page covers the segment of the human CRS that correspondsto the 167 bp segment sequenced from the Starchild. It extends from #1265 to#1432 (out of the CRS’s full compliment of 16,569). At this scale it isdifficult to read, but it shows that among the 33 human haplogroups, those 167bp have only one difference among all types of humans! [Three aqua lineshighlight the differences: the first two lines are for differences in both ofthe Denisovan samples, and the third is for one difference in the Neanderthaland in one human haplogroup (HPT L1b) compared to the CRS.]

This stretch of mtDNA is one of the most extremely conserved in theentire genome, with only one difference among the 33 human haplogroups, one inNeanderthal, and two in Denisova. Yet, somehow, the Starchild mtDNA (see redarrow at bottom of chart below) carries within itself 16 additionaldifferences! Even if multiple repetitions of this analysis should reveal that afew of its recorded differences were due to machine error or to human error,which can happen, the final total will still be mind-boggling!

If a human fetus were conceived with only one or two differences in anarea of mtDNA Nature keeps so rigidly intact, it would abort spontaneously. Yetthe Starchild grew to full term and aged enough to grind down the enamel of itsadult-like teeth. Also, several experts have agreed the Skull belonged to anadult. This is convincing evidence that the Starchild was born, and lived itslife, considerably different from any typical human.

Now recall that all four Starchild mtDNA fragments add up to 1,583 base pairs,which is 9.5% of what we assume will be a total mtDNA genome in the 16,600 ±range. Among the 1583 bp are 93 differences, which extrapolate to a shockingtotal of 976 differences!

[To extrapolate 9.5% out to 100%, divide 100 by 9.5 to get 10.5; then,10.5 x 93= 976.]

Extrapolating a partial result for nuDNA usually provides only a tentativetotal, but with mtDNA we can be certain that extrapolating a nearly 10% resultis dependably reliable. Why? Because the machines that sequence and analyze theresults of that sequencing have become remarkably accurate. However, readingerrors can and do occur, so that has to be taken into account. Assume 80 of the93 are ultimately confirmed, leaving a total of 840 rather than 976. That is720 more than any human on Earth could tolerate.

Errors or not, we can be supremely confident that the confirmed total of theStarchild’s differences will fall between 800 and 1000 bp, while all humans are120 or less. Using the most effective techniques science can bring to bear tosolve any problem of genetic heritage, techniques that are used with finalityin court cases worldwide, the Starchild is shown to be nowhere near theballpark of human or prehuman. This result is definitive.

Without doubt, without question, without fail, recovering both of theStarchild’s entire genomes will prove it to be so astonishingly far from humansthat the only reasonable, logical, acceptable term for it will profoundlychange human history forever…. ALIEN!

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