This is an old story that camelong before the age of the internet, and in fact was an early report. I find it distinctly different than the bulkof later reports and is clearly noteworthy for that reason alone. The existence of jets is non conforming andalmost unique in such observations, at least in my limited review of suchreports. It is possible that humanexpectations were overlain on the observed phenomena.
I am more impressed by the reportof a distinct odor, the fact that the observer was able to go to cover, andthat the atmosphere became warm. Theobserver was clearly observing something when all senses become fully engagedand one acts as a check on the other.
Today, we have a large number ofUFO reports on the internet and we see a generally conforming body of evidencealthough it has become richer and deeper over time, leading to the idea thatsuch activity has increased hugely. I am more inclined to accept that reporting isbecoming much better and that observers are becoming more prone to find theirway to a reporting site.
I also am aware of severalunreported sightings from individuals who trusted me with their stories andthat alone suggest the existence of a large body of unreported activity.
We have the eyeballs and we needto be able to map observations. Therichness of the detail has become too thick and repetitive and as I have postedbefore, the operators have been showing increasing slackness in terms ofletting us see them. They are underorders to remain obscured, but they are no longer sweating it, as if they knowthis quarantine will be ending soon.
Transparent Domed UFO / Occupants - Blenheim , New Zealand
Image by Mark Cashman based on witness account and sketch. (credit:Mark Cashman,
Preamble: On July 13, 1959 in
Incident: Mrs. Frederick Moreland, of
On July 13, 1959, at 5:50 a.m., it was dark with a low cloud cover when Mrs.Moreland went to the barn to do the morning milking. She noticed a green glowin the overcast and was half-way across the paddock when she saw two large greenlights emerge from the clouds and descend rapidly toward the ground, in herdirection.
"I noticed that I was bathed in a green light and that all the paddock wasgreen, too," she later reported. In her written statement to the localpolice, she said that it was so bright she could not see her own"torchlight" in the green glare.
"It was a horrid sort of color. My first thought was, `I shouldn't behere, 'and I made a dive for the trees on the other side of the paddock."
In the protection of the trees, Mrs. Moreland saw a sharply- outlinedsaucer-shaped object with two extremely bright sources of green light on theunderside. The light from these sources beamed out over an area of 50 yards. Tworows of jets around the center of the object "shot out orange-coloredflame" and appeared to revolve in opposite directions. The objectwas approximately 20 to 30 feet wide and hovered at roof-top level, about15 feet above the ground. It was no more than 50 yards away from her.
"The jets stopped," Mrs. Moreland said, "and a light wasswitched on in what appeared to be a perspex or glass roof or dome,which glowed." (Compare with the Ririe and Idaho Falls, Idaho, cases oflate 1967) She said the bottom appeared to be of a grayish, metallic color.
There was a faint hum as the object hovered "and the air became verywarm." Inside the transparent dome, she said, there were two men,"dressed in fairly close-fitting suits of shiny material." Shecompared the material to aluminum foil. She said the occupants wore "opaquehelmets" that rose straight from their shoulders. They seemed to be ofnormal size. She noted that one of the occupants never moved.
"I could not see their faces," she said. "One of the men stoodup and put two hands out in front of him, as if leaning over to look downwards.He then sat down and, after a minute or two, the jets started off again and,tilting slightly at first, the thing shot up verticallyat great speed and disappeared into the clouds. When it did this, itmade a soft but high-pitched sound." She reported that a peculiar smell,somewhat similar to pepper, lingered in the air as the object departed.
Mrs. Moreland stood in the trees for several minutes, not knowing exactly whatto do. She finally went on with her milking but was so disturbed by what shehad seen that, at 7:00 a.m., she went back into the house and told her husbandwhat had happened. Mr. Moreland, employed by the Royal New ZealandAirForce, suggested that she call the police, which she did.
An official enquiry began which included an investigation by the RNZAF. Mrs.Moreland's report was given wide coverage in the press and some time later itwas learned that about an hour before Mrs. Moreland's sighting a Blenheim mannamed Holdaway had seen a white-orange object through his window.
Many people subsequently interviewed the witness, who impressed them with herstraightforward account of what she had seen. NICAP has a copy of the witness'first-hand, signed report of the incident. Dr. James E. McDonald, during atrip to Australia and New Zealand in 1967, hadthe opportunity to interview the witness and he told NICAP that hehad been quite favorably impressed.
Another image by Mark Cashman. (credit: Mark Cashman,
Summary of Sighting from original SATCU file report
"...Mrs. Frederick Moreland went out [in] the morning to milk thecows...crossing the paddock [she] suddenly noticed a bright green light amongthe clouds; it caught her attention because there was no moon... she saw twogreen lights rapidly descending. 'I noticed that I was bathed in a green lightand the paddock was green, too... A saucer-shaped glow with two indented greenlights in the bottom descended.. Two rows of jets around the middle shot outorange colored flames... the jets stopped, and a light was switched on in whatappeared to be a perspex or glass roof or dome, which glowed... Therewere two men in it, dressed in fairly close fitting suits of shiny material...after a minute or two, the jets started off again, and... the thing shot upvertically at great speed and disappeared into the clouds.
"... she noticed an unusual green glow, emanating from the cloud above andbathing the area in a ghastly light... Then, suddenly, two green lights"like eyes" appeared through the clouds, circled bya band of orange lights. All around her the ground was illuminated bythe sickly green light... she too was bathed in this green glow... She saw aflattish cylindrical object slowly descending from about 50 ft above the ground.It stopped its smooth descent some 30 feet above the ground and hovered about15 feet above a group of peach trees (10-15 feet high)... it was between 7.5-8feet high and 20-25 feet across. There were two circumferential rows oforange-green "jets" set into bands at the top and the bottom of themain body... the jets were a brilliant orange color, with greenish centers, andfaded to the outside, through orange to yellow. They made a faint hissingnoise...
"The motionless object hovered some 30 feet above the ground, about 120feet out in the center of the paddock...
"On stopping, the jets immediately shut off and reappeared at a slightangle. Each band of jets began to counter-rotate at high speed, thetop band from right to left, and the bottom bandfrom left to right.The speed became so great that the bands of light became continuous,"like halos"... a loud humming could be heard, and the noise ofthe jets hissing... There was a clear, glassy, dome-like structure on top[shaped like an F-16 cockpit crossing the top of the disc], filled with abright white light... She could see two figures seated, one behind the otherand facing the same way, a little over an arm's length apart... The two figureswere dressed in almost skin-tight metallic suits which crinkled and creasedwith each movement and reflected the light. The man at the rear suddenly stoodup and leaned forward on his hands and appeared to be observing somethingbetween himself and the figure in front, possibly the brightly flickering lightsource... The rear figure then sank back to his former position - the frontfigure remained motionless...
"The object then tilted slightly, the bands of jets went out, then back onagain without the rotation. There was a loud "whoosh" of air and theobject rose vertically (the body still at a slight angle) and vanished into thecloud at tremendous speed... accompanied by a high pitched [very loud] whine...A moment or two later a wave of warm air reached Mrs. Moreland and there was astrange hot pepper smell of ozone." - SATCU file report
Side-view drawing based on the sketches by the witness, courtesy ofSATCU (Scientific Approach to Cosmic Understanding). (credit: Mark Cashman,
NICAP Summary
July 13, 1959:
"I noticed that I was bathed in a green light [emphasis added] and thatall the paddock was green, too." she later reported. In a statement tolocal police, she said that the green glare was so bright that she could notsee her own "torch light" (flashlight beam). "It was a horridsort of color. My first thought was, 'I shouldn't be here,' and I made a divefor the trees on the other side of the paddock."
From the protection of the trees, Mrs. Moreland saw a distinct saucer-shapedobject with two extremely bright sources of green light on its underside thatilluminated an area of 50 yards (45 meters). Two rows of what seemed to be jetsaround the center of the object were emitting orange-colored flame. The rowsappeared to revolve in opposite directions. The object, about 20-30 feet (6-9meters) in diameter. hovered at rooftop level, about 15 feet (4.5 meters) abovethe ground. It was no more than 50 yards (45 meters) away from her.
'The jets stopped," she said, "and a light was switched on in whatappeared to be a Perspex (plastic) or glass roof or dome [emphasis added],which glowed." The underside was a gray, metallic color. She could hear afaint hum, and "the air became very warm." Inside the transparentdome were two men "dressed in fairly close-fitting suits of shinymaterial." She compared the color to aluminum foil. They wore "opaquehelmets" that rose straight from their shoulders. They seemed to be ofnormal size. One, she noticed, never moved.
"I could not see their faces," she said. "One of the men stoodup and put two hands out in front of him, as if leaning over to look downward.He then sat down and, after a minute or two, the jets started off again and,tilting [emphasis added] slightly at first, the thing shot up vertically atgreat speed and disappeared into the clouds. When it did this, it made a softbut high-pitched sound [emphasis added]." A peculiar, peppery smelllingered in the air. - Richard H. Hall – NICAP
Jacques and Janine Vallee - "Challenge to Science: The UFOEnigma" - 1966
"The Unspeakable and Others" - Dan Clore
"The Unspeakable and Others" - Dan Clore
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