Saturday, June 4, 2011

Brazilian Nickel Expansion

This caught my eye recently andheralds Brazildominance of the iron and nickel industry. Brazil and itsgeological continuation in West Africa haslong since been the sweetest source of iron ore available.  Now rich new lateritic nickel deposits arecoming on stream to complete the mix.

What is clear is that the scopeof the resource assures global needs for decades, if not centuries. Many otherresources will also contribute to the market but this is likely the price setter.

I have lived through a majorrestructuring of the global nickel industry over the past thirty years and ithas been awesome to watch. 

Brazil aims to become key nickel exporter

by Staff Writers

Rio De Janeiro(UPI) May 18, 2011 

Brazil has set its sights on making the most of its nickel deposits and isbeing helped by iron ore giant Vale in reaching higher targets to influence theglobal nickel markets.

Nickel prices remain strong despite slow recovery and abundant supplyfrom world leaders Russiaand Canada.As a steel component, nickel is seen in Brazil as an answer to thecountry's long-term steel-making plans as well as its potential as ahigh-earning export.

Vale is the world's second biggest nickel producer,with operations in Canada, Indonesia and New Caledonia,as well as nickel refineries in Britain,China, Japan and Taiwan.

Brazil's targeted grand entry into the globalnickel market is timed with Vale's plans to maintain its iron ore processing andexport and diversify into other minerals and chemicals. The company announcedits intentions to boost its role in nickel market as it opened its first nickeloperation in Onca Puma, southeast of the northeastern Parastate.

Company officials said they rate the Onca Puma plant as one of thelargest ferronickel production plants in the world with annual nickel production setto exceed 53,000 tons. Once fully operational the plant will have an annualcapacity to produce 220,000 tons of ferronickel.

Vale said it spent $2.84 billion on getting the site up to speed, withmore than 9,500 employees -- 1,500 hired for the early phase.

Company executives hailed the plant as a major stride toward developingBrazil'soverall capacity for nickel processing and exports.

"Onca Puma is a milestone, not only because it is Vale's firstnickel production plant in Brazil, but also as it provides an example of thebuilding of sustainable relations with communities in the municipalities in thearea covered by the project," said Ricardo Carvalho, the company'sdirector of South Atlantic base metal operations.

The first container shipment of 1,078 tons of ferronickel left BrazilMay 11, company officials said. The shipment included 385 tons of nickel boundfor importers in the United States,Europe and Asia.

It has taken Vale more than five years to reach the current stage inits operations since it took over the project in 2005. Mine development workduring the intervening period has involved ore extraction operations in theOnce and Puma mountains, close to the location of the processing plant.

Nickel is resistant to oxidation and corrosion and is used to makealloys with many different industrial applications. More than 60 percent of themetal in production and export is used in stainless steel production.

Brazil aims to build its nickel market around traditional U.S.customers, China, Japanand EU nations.

Sleep Deprivation and Memory Impairment

It is obvious that pulling a latenighter when the objective is to put more information into memory is seriouslycounter productive.  A more appropriateapproach is to complete all memory oriented work during the six hours beforebeginning a full night’s sleep.  Then onawakening, peruse a refresher sheet.

However one is prepared,deviating from this approach will gain you nothing.  The other lesson is that memorization needsto be bracketed by sleep in order for the brain to do its work.  Thus learning is a process of intense workswapped with a sound sleep.  Somehow weprobably did just that but forgot it along the way.

The other obvious take home is toprepare for a class by reviewing the previous class just before going tosleep.  Make that part of your routine.  Doing homework normally forces one toactually do this, but that is not always possible.

The roots of memory impairment resulting from sleep deprivation

by Staff Writers

Philadelphia PA (SPX) May 19, 2011

From high-school students to surgeons, anyone who has pulled an all-nighterknows there is a price to be paid the next day: trouble focusing, a fuzzymemory and other cognitive impairments. Now, researchers at Penn have found thepart of the brain and the neurochemical basis for sleep deprivation's effectson memory.

Ted Abel, a professor of biology in Penn's School of Arts and Sciencesand director of the University's interdisciplinary Biological Basis of Behaviorprogram, led the research team. His partners included Cedrick Florian, a postdoctoralfellow in biology, and Christopher Vecsey, a neuroscience graduate student, aswell as researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Tufts University.

Their research was published in The Journal of Neuroscience.

Abel's group aimed to better understand the role of the nucleosideadenosine in the hippocampus, the part of the brain associated with memoryfunction.

"For a long time, researchers have known that sleep deprivation resultsin increased levels of adenosine in the brain, and has this effect from fruitflies to mice to humans." Abel said. "There is accumulating evidencethat this adenosine is really the source of a number of the deficits and impactof sleep deprivation, including memory loss and attention deficits. Onething that underscores that evidence is that caffeine isa drug that blocks the effects of adenosine, so we sometimes refer to this as'the Starbucks experiment.'"

Abel's research actually involved two parallel experiments onsleep-deprived mice, designed to test adenosine's involvement in memoryimpairment in different ways.

One experiment involved genetically engineered mice. These mice weremissing a gene involved in the production of glial transmitters, chemicalssignals that originate from glia, the brain cells that support the function ofneurons. Without these gliatransmitters, the engineered mice could not producethe adenosine the researchers believed might cause the cognitive effectsassociated sleep deprivation.

The other experiment involved a pharmacological approach. Theresearchers grafted a pump into the brains of mice that hadn't been geneticallyengineered; the pump delivered a drug that blocked a particular adenosinereceptor in the hippocampus. If the receptor was indeed involved in memory impairment,sleep-deprived mice would behave as if the additional adenosine in their brainswas not there.

To see whether these mice showed the effects of sleep deprivation, theresearchers used an object recognition test. On the first day, mice were placedin a box with two objects and were allowed to explore them while beingvideotaped. That night, the researchers woke some of the mice halfway throughtheir normal 12-hour sleep schedule.

On the second day, the mice were placed back in the box, where one ofthe two objects had been moved, and were once again videotaped as they exploredto see how they reacted to the change.

"Mice would normally explore that moved object more than otherobjects, but, with sleep deprivation, they don't," Abel said. "Theyliterally don't know where things are around them."

Both sets of treated mice explored the moved object as if they hadreceived a full night's sleep.

"These mice don't realize they're sleep-deprived," Abelsaid.

Abel and his colleagues also examined the hippocampi of the mice, usingelectrical current to measure their synaptic plasticity, or how strong andresilient their memory-forming synapses were. The pharmacologically andgenetically protected mice showed greater synaptic plasticity after being sleepdeprived than the untreated group.

Combined, the two experiments cover both halves of the chemical pathwayinvolved in sleep deprivation. The genetic engineering experiment shows wherethe adenosine comes from: glia's release of adenosine triphosphate, or ATP, thechemical by which cells transfer energy to one another. And the pharmacologicalexperiment shows where the adenosine goes: the A1 receptor in the hippocampus.

The knowledge that interrupting the pathway at either end results inmice that show no memory impairments is a major step forward in understandinghow to manage those impairments in humans.

"To be able to reverse a particular aspect of sleep-deprivation,such as its effect on memory storage, we really want to understand themolecular pathways and targets," Abel said. "Here, we've identifiedthe molecule, the cellular circuit and the brain region by which sleepdeprivation affects memory storage."

Such treatments would be especially enticing, given how sensitive thebrain is to sleep deprivation's effects.

"Our sleep deprivation experiments are the equivalent of losinghalf of a night sleep for a single night," Abel said. "Most of uswould think that's pretty minor, but it shows just how critical the need forsleep is for things like cognition."

In addition to Abel, Florian and Vescey, the research was conducted byMichael M. Halassa of the Department of Psychiatry at Massachusetts General Hospitaland the Department of Brain and Cognitive Science at MIT, as well as Philip G.Haydon, of the Department of Neuroscience at the Tufts University School ofMedicine. The research was supported by the National Institutes of Health.

Clearest Alien Photos Known

Dr. Roger Leir Presents The Clearest Alien Photos Known ?

Take your time on this one. This is a biblical Ark.  It is also called a MFEV or magnetic fieldexclusion vessel as per my article on the reverse engineering of an UFO.  Yes, I know how to build one and the physics allfell into place over the past two years.

What it is not is anything as yet built on Earth.  Get over it.

The lighting on the craft is from the full moon.

There is enough evidence out there in terms of sightingdensities and specific locales to make certain conjectures.

1                   Although actively gathering information using smallervessels as a matter of common sense business, it is not the reason for the appearanceof the much larger craft.
2                   The larger craft are transports travelling understealth between space habitats and major underground earth bases.
3                   These Earth bases do not interact at all with thesurface or we would have long since been on to them.  They are entered through underwater gates oncoasts and lakes.
4                   This locale in Turkeyis a promising base location, as is southern New Brunswickand Nova Scotiafor starters.  Many others are indicatedand even suggested by prior work.  Isuspect that the bases are huge habitats holding millions of individuals.  ET is merely an elevator trip away and notparticularly deep either.

I suspect that we have several such bases on Earth andpotentially a great number, though I think they are few, or at least continentbased and large in size instead.

These craft either go to space or go to water todisappear.  If water, it is not likely theywould want to go that deep, so we see association with near coastal structuresand lakes.  That may be an artifact ofhuman observation, but then perhaps not.

DNA Rosetta Stone in Starchild Skull

This simplified article on theDNA work done to date on the Starchild Skull makes it completely certain thatwe are looking directly at Alien DNA.  Atbest it is a hugely reengineered piece of Terran code, but more likely DNA intointroduced into any emergent planet and the emergent lifeforms simply carrythat history while reflecting that which is unique to their planet.  Either argument informs our continued interpretationof the human DNA.

We have disposed of the earlyinterpretation that supposed a human mother. That was a mistake that has wasted several years.  The mother was as alien as the child.

What we do have here, is theRosetta stone for interpreting our own DNA and for possibly making specificimprovements.  Comparing the two datasets should allow us to take full control of the DNA decades sooner than waspossible or likely.

We should be also able toeventually produce a living member of this specific creature and learn of itscapabilities.

In fact, now we know that this isDNA hugely different from any Terran DNA, the commercial potential is alsohuge.  It will take a lot to sort it allout but the next round of finance will provide the full genome.


A classic depiction of a Grey Alien (left) and an artists' depiction of how theStarchild Skull would have looked in life (right)

In Brief: In 2011 the geneticist working on the Starchild Skull discoveredthat its mtDNA (the part of DNA passed only through the maternal line) wasradically different from human DNA.

The maximum number of mtDNA differences between all humans is 120. TheStarchild Skull has between 800-1,000. This is a partial result, but it isenough to be definitive: the Skull’s mtDNA is not human.

Below is a greatly simplified 1,200 word summary of a much more detailedreport on this data available

DNA has two types: nuclear (nuDNA) and mitochondrial (mtDNA). NuDNA isfound in a cell’s nucleus, and it comes from both parents. MtDNA is found intiny sub-cellular units called mitochondria that float in the cell’s cytoplasm(the jelly-like interior). MtDNA passes to each generation only through thematernal line.

clock” that dates humanity’s origin—The nuDNA genome is the total ofall the base pairs (bp) it contains. Base pairs (bp) are the “steps” in thefamous double-helix “ladder” of DNA. Each human cell has only one nucleus thatcontains a copy of the entire genome of more than 3 billion bp, and up tothousands of mitochondria, each containing the mtDNA genome of exactly 16,569bp. 

The DNA genomes for humans, Neanderthals, Denisovans (a new prehuman speciesannounced in 2010), chimps, and gorillas are all the same approximate size.Therefore, it seems safe to assume the Starchild’s two genomes will haveapproximately the same number of base pairs as humans: nuDNA of 3 ± billion bp,and mtDNA of 16,600 ± bp.

In 2010, dozens of the Starchild’s nuclear DNA fragments were sequenced, addingup to about 30,000 bp. That was enough to be clearly indicative of what thetotal nuDNA genome will be when it is fully sequenced, but at only .0001% of a3 billion bp genome, it was well short of the 1% (30 million) needed toestablish definitive trends.

Recently, four fragments of Starchild mtDNA were sequenced, totaling 1,583 bp.That is a whopping 9.5% of its assumed 16,600 ± bp mtDNA genome, and nearly 10times the 1% needed to make reliable projections. Thus, there can be noreasonable doubt that an incredible answer will result from a full recovery ofthe Starchild’s mtDNA genome. It further indicates that the vastly largernuclear genome will be even more incredible!

In human nuDNA, only 2% of the 3 billion bp work to keep us alive. 98% iscalled “junk” because it has no known life-sustaining functions. Mutations injunk are nearly always non-disruptive and accumulate easily, resulting in anestimated 15 million in humans.

In mtDNA, the exact opposite applies. The great bulk of its functions arerequired for survival, so every mutation is a potential death sentence. Veryrarely does a mutation occur in harmless areas, and all of those are welldocumented. In fact, the physical structure of mtDNA is one of thebest-understood aspects of human biology.

Geneticists have been able to utilize the extreme rarity of mtDNA mutations tocreate a “biological the time we became a distinct species—to about 200,000years ago. During those 200,000 years we have gradually but steadilyaccumulated a maximum of 120 variations in our mtDNA. The oldest humans(natives of South Africa)have the most (up to 120), and later human types have fewer and fewer.

Humanity’s 120 variations have been divided into 33 subunits known ashaplogroups (shown left). Those 33 are derived from seven ancient females whomgeneticists calculate were the founding matriarchs of our species [related inthe book The Seven Daughters of Eve by Dr. Bryan Sykes, 2001]. Thus, everyvariation between every haplogroup is well known and chronicled, and everyhuman belongs to one of the 33 haplogroups listed below.

The chart (left) shows how mtDNA is analyzed. At the top is the Control RegionSequence (CRS), the mtDNA pattern arbitrarily chosen from one individual toprovide the human value baseline. Variations from the CRS establish the countof differences in all related species. Among the 33 human haplogroups, noindividual has more than 120 differences.

At the chart’s bottom are Neanderthal mtDNA and mtDNA from two samples fromDenisovans. Denisovans are a new species discovered in Siberiain 2010 when a finger bone and molar from what seemed to be Neanderthal remainswere routinely analyzed. To everyone’s astonishment, the mtDNA in both of thesamples produced 385 differences from the human CRS—185 more than Neanderthals(whose 200 differences are only 80 more than the human maximum of 120).

With so many undeniable differences, and because mtDNA is so highly conservedand unerringly precise, geneticists had no choice but to classify Denisovans asan entirely new prehuman species closely related to humans and Neanderthals.[For comparison, the chimpanzee mtDNA genome contains 1500 differences from thehuman CRS.]

Now we will consider one of the four fragments of Starchild Skull mtDNAthat has been sequenced, the smallest of the four at 167 base pairs. Below, itis compared to the human CRS, base pair to base pair, and below that is the topleft half (outlined by a box) enlarged for visual clarity.

The blue bars show the differences in base pairs between the Starchildfragment (top line—167) and the corresponding segment of the CRS (bottomline—1269). This 72 bp part has 11 differences. In the non-enlarged parts are95 bp with 6 more differences, for an astounding total of 17 differencesbetween the Starchild and the human CRS!

The chart on the next page covers the segment of the human CRS that correspondsto the 167 bp segment sequenced from the Starchild. It extends from #1265 to#1432 (out of the CRS’s full compliment of 16,569). At this scale it isdifficult to read, but it shows that among the 33 human haplogroups, those 167bp have only one difference among all types of humans! [Three aqua lineshighlight the differences: the first two lines are for differences in both ofthe Denisovan samples, and the third is for one difference in the Neanderthaland in one human haplogroup (HPT L1b) compared to the CRS.]

This stretch of mtDNA is one of the most extremely conserved in theentire genome, with only one difference among the 33 human haplogroups, one inNeanderthal, and two in Denisova. Yet, somehow, the Starchild mtDNA (see redarrow at bottom of chart below) carries within itself 16 additionaldifferences! Even if multiple repetitions of this analysis should reveal that afew of its recorded differences were due to machine error or to human error,which can happen, the final total will still be mind-boggling!

If a human fetus were conceived with only one or two differences in anarea of mtDNA Nature keeps so rigidly intact, it would abort spontaneously. Yetthe Starchild grew to full term and aged enough to grind down the enamel of itsadult-like teeth. Also, several experts have agreed the Skull belonged to anadult. This is convincing evidence that the Starchild was born, and lived itslife, considerably different from any typical human.

Now recall that all four Starchild mtDNA fragments add up to 1,583 base pairs,which is 9.5% of what we assume will be a total mtDNA genome in the 16,600 ±range. Among the 1583 bp are 93 differences, which extrapolate to a shockingtotal of 976 differences!

[To extrapolate 9.5% out to 100%, divide 100 by 9.5 to get 10.5; then,10.5 x 93= 976.]

Extrapolating a partial result for nuDNA usually provides only a tentativetotal, but with mtDNA we can be certain that extrapolating a nearly 10% resultis dependably reliable. Why? Because the machines that sequence and analyze theresults of that sequencing have become remarkably accurate. However, readingerrors can and do occur, so that has to be taken into account. Assume 80 of the93 are ultimately confirmed, leaving a total of 840 rather than 976. That is720 more than any human on Earth could tolerate.

Errors or not, we can be supremely confident that the confirmed total of theStarchild’s differences will fall between 800 and 1000 bp, while all humans are120 or less. Using the most effective techniques science can bring to bear tosolve any problem of genetic heritage, techniques that are used with finalityin court cases worldwide, the Starchild is shown to be nowhere near theballpark of human or prehuman. This result is definitive.

Without doubt, without question, without fail, recovering both of theStarchild’s entire genomes will prove it to be so astonishingly far from humansthat the only reasonable, logical, acceptable term for it will profoundlychange human history forever…. ALIEN!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Curious Transparent UFO Report Reviewed

This is an old story that camelong before the age of the internet, and in fact was an early report.  I find it distinctly different than the bulkof later reports and is clearly noteworthy for that reason alone.  The existence of jets is non conforming andalmost unique in such observations, at least in my limited review of suchreports.  It is possible that humanexpectations were overlain on the observed phenomena.

I am more impressed by the reportof a distinct odor, the fact that the observer was able to go to cover, andthat the atmosphere became warm.  Theobserver was clearly observing something when all senses become fully engagedand one acts as a check on the other.

Today, we have a large number ofUFO reports on the internet and we see a generally conforming body of evidencealthough it has become richer and deeper over time, leading to the idea thatsuch activity has increased hugely.   I am more inclined to accept that reporting isbecoming much better and that observers are becoming more prone to find theirway to a reporting site.

I also am aware of severalunreported sightings from individuals who trusted me with their stories andthat alone suggest the existence of a large body of unreported activity.

We have the eyeballs and we needto be able to map observations.  Therichness of the detail has become too thick and repetitive and as I have postedbefore, the operators have been showing increasing slackness in terms ofletting us see them.  They are underorders to remain obscured, but they are no longer sweating it, as if they knowthis quarantine will be ending soon.

Transparent Domed UFO / Occupants - Blenheim, New Zealand



Image by Mark Cashman based on witness account and sketch. (credit:Mark Cashman,

Preamble: On July 13, 1959 in BlenheimNew Zealand, Mrs. Moreland saw asharply- outlined saucer-shaped object with two extremely bright sources ofgreen light on the underside. The object was approximately 20 to 30 feet wideand hovered at roof-top level, about 15 feet above the ground. Inside atransparent dome, she said, there were two men, "dressed in fairlyclose-fitting suits of shiny material."

Incident: Mrs. Frederick Moreland, of BlenheimNew Zealand, a busy housewife with fivechildren, was helping her husband tend their small nine-acre farm as well asworking part-time as a nurse's aid at Lister Hospital,in Blenheim, at the time her sighting occurred.

On July 13, 1959, at 5:50 a.m., it was dark with a low cloud cover when Mrs.Moreland went to the barn to do the morning milking. She noticed a green glowin the overcast and was half-way across the paddock when she saw two large greenlights emerge from the clouds and descend rapidly toward the ground, in herdirection.

"I noticed that I was bathed in a green light and that all the paddock wasgreen, too," she later reported. In her written statement to the localpolice, she said that it was so bright she could not see her own"torchlight" in the green glare.

"It was a horrid sort of color. My first thought was, `I shouldn't behere, 'and I made a dive for the trees on the other side of the paddock."

In the protection of the trees, Mrs. Moreland saw a sharply- outlinedsaucer-shaped object with two extremely bright sources of green light on theunderside. The light from these sources beamed out over an area of 50 yards. Tworows of jets around the center of the object "shot out orange-coloredflame" and appeared to revolve in opposite directions. The objectwas approximately 20 to 30 feet wide and hovered at roof-top level, about15 feet above the ground. It was no more than 50 yards away from her.

"The jets stopped," Mrs. Moreland said, "and a light wasswitched on in what appeared to be a perspex or glass roof or dome,which glowed." (Compare with the Ririe and Idaho Falls, Idaho, cases oflate 1967) She said the bottom appeared to be of a grayish, metallic color.

There was a faint hum as the object hovered "and the air became verywarm." Inside the transparent dome, she said, there were two men,"dressed in fairly close-fitting suits of shiny material." Shecompared the material to aluminum foil. She said the occupants wore "opaquehelmets" that rose straight from their shoulders. They seemed to be ofnormal size. She noted that one of the occupants never moved.

"I could not see their faces," she said. "One of the men stoodup and put two hands out in front of him, as if leaning over to look downwards.He then sat down and, after a minute or two, the jets started off again and,tilting slightly at first, the thing shot up verticallyat great speed and disappeared into the clouds. When it did this, itmade a soft but high-pitched sound." She reported that a peculiar smell,somewhat similar to pepper, lingered in the air as the object departed.

Mrs. Moreland stood in the trees for several minutes, not knowing exactly whatto do. She finally went on with her milking but was so disturbed by what shehad seen that, at 7:00 a.m., she went back into the house and told her husbandwhat had happened. Mr. Moreland, employed by the Royal New ZealandAirForce, suggested that she call the police, which she did.

An official enquiry began which included an investigation by the RNZAF. Mrs.Moreland's report was given wide coverage in the press and some time later itwas learned that about an hour before Mrs. Moreland's sighting a Blenheim mannamed Holdaway had seen a white-orange object through his window.

Many people subsequently interviewed the witness, who impressed them with herstraightforward account of what she had seen. NICAP has a copy of the witness'first-hand, signed report of the incident. Dr. James E. McDonald, during atrip to Australia and New Zealand in 1967, hadthe opportunity to interview the witness and he told NICAP that hehad been quite favorably impressed.

Another image by Mark Cashman. (credit: Mark Cashman,

Summary of Sighting from original SATCU file report

"...Mrs. Frederick Moreland went out [in] the morning to milk thecows...crossing the paddock [she] suddenly noticed a bright green light amongthe clouds; it caught her attention because there was no moon... she saw twogreen lights rapidly descending. 'I noticed that I was bathed in a green lightand the paddock was green, too... A saucer-shaped glow with two indented greenlights in the bottom descended.. Two rows of jets around the middle shot outorange colored flames... the jets stopped, and a light was switched on in whatappeared to be a perspex or glass roof or dome, which glowed... Therewere two men in it, dressed in fairly close fitting suits of shiny material...after a minute or two, the jets started off again, and... the thing shot upvertically at great speed and disappeared into the clouds.

"... she noticed an unusual green glow, emanating from the cloud above andbathing the area in a ghastly light... Then, suddenly, two green lights"like eyes" appeared through the clouds, circled bya band of orange lights. All around her the ground was illuminated bythe sickly green light... she too was bathed in this green glow... She saw aflattish cylindrical object slowly descending from about 50 ft above the ground.It stopped its smooth descent some 30 feet above the ground and hovered about15 feet above a group of peach trees (10-15 feet high)... it was between 7.5-8feet high and 20-25 feet across. There were two circumferential rows oforange-green "jets" set into bands at the top and the bottom of themain body... the jets were a brilliant orange color, with greenish centers, andfaded to the outside, through orange to yellow. They made a faint hissingnoise...

"The motionless object hovered some 30 feet above the ground, about 120feet out in the center of the paddock...

"On stopping, the jets immediately shut off and reappeared at a slightangle. Each band of jets began to counter-rotate at high speed, thetop band from right to left, and the bottom bandfrom left to right.The speed became so great that the bands of light became continuous,"like halos"... a loud humming could be heard, and the noise ofthe jets hissing... There was a clear, glassy, dome-like structure on top[shaped like an F-16 cockpit crossing the top of the disc], filled with abright white light... She could see two figures seated, one behind the otherand facing the same way, a little over an arm's length apart... The two figureswere dressed in almost skin-tight metallic suits which crinkled and creasedwith each movement and reflected the light. The man at the rear suddenly stoodup and leaned forward on his hands and appeared to be observing somethingbetween himself and the figure in front, possibly the brightly flickering lightsource... The rear figure then sank back to his former position - the frontfigure remained motionless...

"The object then tilted slightly, the bands of jets went out, then back onagain without the rotation. There was a loud "whoosh" of air and theobject rose vertically (the body still at a slight angle) and vanished into thecloud at tremendous speed... accompanied by a high pitched [very loud] whine...A moment or two later a wave of warm air reached Mrs. Moreland and there was astrange hot pepper smell of ozone." - SATCU file report

Side-view drawing based on the sketches by the witness, courtesy ofSATCU (Scientific Approach to Cosmic Understanding). (credit: Mark Cashman,

NICAP Summary

July 13, 1959: Blenheim,New Zealand. 5:50 a.m. Mrs.Frederick Moreland, a part-time nurse's aide, was helping her husband tendtheir nine-acre farm. It was dark with low cloud cover when she went to thebarn to do the morning milking. She noticed a green glow in the overcast andwas halfway across the paddock when two large green lights emerged from theclouds and descended rapidly toward the ground in her direction.

"I noticed that I was bathed in a green light [emphasis added] and thatall the paddock was green, too." she later reported. In a statement tolocal police, she said that the green glare was so bright that she could notsee her own "torch light" (flashlight beam). "It was a horridsort of color. My first thought was, 'I shouldn't be here,' and I made a divefor the trees on the other side of the paddock." 

From the protection of the trees, Mrs. Moreland saw a distinct saucer-shapedobject with two extremely bright sources of green light on its underside thatilluminated an area of 50 yards (45 meters). Two rows of what seemed to be jetsaround the center of the object were emitting orange-colored flame. The rowsappeared to revolve in opposite directions. The object, about 20-30 feet (6-9meters) in diameter. hovered at rooftop level, about 15 feet (4.5 meters) abovethe ground. It was no more than 50 yards (45 meters) away from her. 

'The jets stopped," she said, "and a light was switched on in whatappeared to be a Perspex (plastic) or glass roof or dome [emphasis added],which glowed." The underside was a gray, metallic color. She could hear afaint hum, and "the air became very warm." Inside the transparentdome were two men "dressed in fairly close-fitting suits of shinymaterial." She compared the color to aluminum foil. They wore "opaquehelmets" that rose straight from their shoulders. They seemed to be ofnormal size. One, she noticed, never moved. 

"I could not see their faces," she said. "One of the men stoodup and put two hands out in front of him, as if leaning over to look downward.He then sat down and, after a minute or two, the jets started off again and,tilting [emphasis added] slightly at first, the thing shot up vertically atgreat speed and disappeared into the clouds. When it did this, it made a softbut high-pitched sound [emphasis added]." A peculiar, peppery smelllingered in the air. - Richard H. Hall – NICAP


Jacques and Janine Vallee - "Challenge to Science: The UFOEnigma" - 1966
"The Unspeakable and Others" - Dan Clore

Natural Silver Nanoparticles

Silver nanoparticles are highlyindicated for a range of biologically interesting applications.  Here we get the good news that nature hasbeen there ahead of us.  Apparently the particleis formed through humic acid chemistry and they are simultaneously protected bythe acid to prevent immediate clumping or dissolution.  They do in fact show up naturally.

The next question is to determinewhat other element(s) pulls the same trick. Nanoparticle process chemistry is slowly emerging as an important newtool and it is already an important method of medical delivery.

Recently we had a successful testdone with gold nanoparticles at MIT that established a certain size wouldpreferentially invade cancer cells allowing the cells to be heated andkilled.  Silver may be even easier towork with in the same way.

It also explains the likelyreason for a number of erratic therapeutic effects of silver.

Silver cycle: New evidence for natural synthesis of silver nanoparticles

by Staff Writers

Washington DC (SPX) May 13, 2011

AFM (Atomic force microscopy) image of silver nanoparticles formed fromsilver ions in solution with humic acid. Color tone in this image indicatesheight (0 to 10 nanometers) above the base plane, so brighter spots are taller,larger nanoparticles. Image is roughly 1,700 nm on a side. Credit: MacCuspie, NIST

Nanoparticles of silver are being found increasingly in the environment-and inenvironmental science laboratories. Because they have a variety of usefulproperties, especially as antibacterial and antifungal agents, silvernanoparticles increasingly are being used in a wide variety of industrial andconsumer products.

This, in turn, has raised concerns about what happens to them oncereleased into the environment. Now a new research paper adds an additionalwrinkle: Nature may be making silver nanoparticles on its own.

A team of researchers from the Florida Institute of Technology (FIT),the State University of New York (SUNY), Buffalo, and the National Institute ofStandards and Technology (NIST) reports that, given a source of silver ions,naturally occurring humic acid will synthesize stable silver nanoparticles.

"Our colleague, Virender Sharma, had read an article in which theywere using wine to form nanoparticles. He thought that, based on the similarchemistry, we should be able to produce silver nanoparticles with humicacids," explains FIT chemist Mary Sohn.

"First we formed them by traditional methods and then we tried oneof our river sediment humic acids. We were really excited that we could see thecharacteristic yellow color of the nanoparticles."

Samples were sent to Sarbajit Banerjee at SUNY Buffalo and Robert MacCuspie at NIST fordetailed analyses to confirm the presence of silver nanoparticles.

"Humic acid" is a complex mixture of many organic acids thatare formed during the decay of dead organic matter. Although the exactcomposition varies from place to place and season to season, humic acid isubiquitous in the environment. Metallic nanoparticles, MacCuspie explains, havecharacteristic colors that are a direct consequence of their size. Silvernanoparticles appear a yellowish brown.

The team mixed silver ions with humic acid from a variety of sources atdifferent temperatures and concentrations and found that acids from river wateror sediments would form detectable silver nanoparticles at room temperature inas little as two to four days.

Moreover, MacCuspie says, the humic acid appears to stabilize thenanoparticles by coating them and preventing the nanoparticles from clumpingtogether into a larger mass of silver.

"We believe it's actually a similar process to how nanoparticlesare synthesized in the laboratory," he says, except that the lab processtypically uses citric acid at elevated temperatures.

"This caught us by surprise because a lot of our work is focusedon how silver nanoparticles may dissolve when they're released into theenvironment and release silver ions," MacCuspie says.

Many biologists believe the toxicity of silver nanoparticles, thereason for their use as an antibacterial or antifungal agent, is due to theirhigh surface area that makes them an efficient source of silver ions, he says,but "this creates the idea that there may be some sort of natural cyclereturning some of the ions to nanoparticles."

It also helps explain the discovery, over the past few years, of silvernanoparticles in locations like old mining regions that are not likely to havebeen exposed to man-made nanoparticles, but would have significantconcentrations of silver ions.

Fighting Tornados

One does get the sense thattornadoes could be beaten as a matter of course.  We certainly have the hardware and manpowerin place to do it if we can glue together a working methodology.

I think it is time to try.  Most tornadoes are harmless but not fromactual capability.  We need to getcomfortable with neutralizing them and getting them all is a decent objectivebecause we are able to spot them.  Asthis winter reminded us, a bad season is very bad and casualties and propertydamage in unimaginable.

Towns may even be protected byanti tornado batteries able to fling appropriate chemicals into the tornadothough fast jets are likely to be more cost effective.

Whatever we though would work ona hurricane should be far more useful against a tornado.

Let's Fight the Tornados

I have seen a tornado form as the clouds move in and a violentlyrotating column of air occurred about a thousand feet above me. I alwaysfelt if I had a rocket or a radar beam weapon I could have stopped it fromforming. We must grieve the loss of life and massive destruction inthe Midwest. Tornadoes andthunderstorms claimed at least six lives in Oklahoma and Kansas. In Joplin, Missouri,124 died in a tornado Sunday, with hundreds missing.

In 1925, the infamous U.S.Tristate twister hit parts of Missouri, Illinois and Indiana,claiming 695 lives. Because tornados kill people and wreck property, costingbillions of dollars yearly, a force of tornado fighters should be developed!They could be set up similar to tornado chasers with weapons to defeat thetornados.

We know tornadoes need a source of instability (heat, moisture, etc.)and a larger-scale property of rotation (vorticity) to keep going. One processaround a thunderstorm which can rob the tornado of either instability orvorticity is relatively cold outflow--the flow of wind out of theprecipitation area of a shower or thunderstorm. Many tornadoes have beenobserved to go away soon after being hit by outflow. Tornados generallyform when "warm moist Gulf air meets cold Canadian air and dry airfrom the Rockies. The most destructivetornadoes occur from supercells--which are rotating thunderstorms with awell-defined radar circulation called a mesocyclone.Recent theories andresults from the VORTEX programsuggest that once a mesocyclone is underway, tornado development is related tothe temperature differences across the edge of downdraft air wrapping aroundthe mesocyclone.

Tornado fighters set up west of towns could use small exact distancerockets to strategically place and detonate safe, yet cloud dispersingexplosives or chemicals. Various methods could be tested to determine whateffects the super cell that forms the tornado. Perhaps a radar beam could befocused and tuned to ruin the magnetic lattice of the tornado. The militaryowns micro wave beam technology that might be effective in stopping the formingof a tornado. We can now produce clouds that create rain; perhaps thesemachines operating in a reverse mode would take the energy out of the clouds.I'm not sure what would work effectively but now is the time to startdeveloping procedures to defeat the tornados. A method is needed for stoppingthe swirling action that leads to the formation of the tornado. Withexperimentation we might find a simple solution. Doppler radar andsophisticated computer graphics storm chasers have been interceptingtornados for years. It's not an exact science yet but towns are often givenseveral hours warning time. 

Ground or air based units could intercept suspicious tornado formingclouds before they touch down' Dumping dry ice into a cloud may be effective incooling its energy. Large aircraft can dump tons of ice, coal dust, or clouddamping products at minimal cost. High explosives dropped or shotinto the clouds may be effective in stopping the swirling action. It's time tostudy and experiment. C-5 or C-117 aircraft could drop tons of dry ice orsmaller conventional weaponry into critical super cells. It would certainly beworth trying as an experiment. Congress would have to deny any legal problemsthat might occur. 

A tornado's vortex can reach speeds of over 300 miles per hour andtravel at 75 MPH. I have flown in hurricanes and winds well above a hundredknots. Tornados are fragile and if any variable is changed it becomesunstable and will disintegrate of its own volition. Military transports ortankers might be able to calm our skies. Talk to your congressman aboutdeveloping a way to fight tornadoes and hurricanes...